“Pandemic Fine”

2021 snuck up on me a little — more pandemic, more lockdown, more general fatigue at the world. It killed off my energy for blogging, which was not great already.

Though I did manage to write 50,000 words of a novel somehow!

I’ve recently vowed to respond to the age old question “Hope you’re well” or “How are you?” with the more honest “I’m pandemic fine” because nothing is fine right now.

I am pandemic fine for reference, work is picking up which is nice, but even that is a bit of an adjustment after such a lull. And I’m very eager to see friends again in the real world when it’s safe to do so.

I’m planning on being pretty honest (gasp) in my blog about my experiences as a designer in the last year. Some people have done brilliantly, some of us have struggled. And some have been one thing, then the other, or the other way around.

It’s fine however you’re coping. Well, pandemic fine?

One thing I’ve struggled with is being kind to myself, I know very well that others are struggling, and I’ve been heartened to see folks in the industry talk more openly about this. But I still have the tendency to say “be kind to yourself” to other people, and then “not you” to myself.

I’m getting better at being kind to myself I think. I hope you all are too.

Take care all.